In a major step towards improving road safety and traffic management, the Pune-Mumbai Expressway has implemented artificial intelligence (AI)-based cameras at 52 strategic locations. This initiative, which forms part of the Intelligent Traffic Management System (ITMS), is designed to monitor traffic violations and enhance road safety along one of the busiest routes in Maharashtra.
The advanced AI cameras utilise radar technology to track vehicle speeds across the expressway. Violations such as speeding, failure to wear seat belts, using mobile phones while driving, and improper lane discipline are automatically detected. Drivers found in violation of these rules are promptly issued electronic challans, making it easier for law enforcement to manage and enforce traffic regulations. The introduction of these AI cameras aims to enhance safety on the expressway, particularly in high-risk areas like the ghats (mountain sections). According to the prescribed speed limits, light motor vehicles are required to maintain a speed of 60 km/h in the ghats, while all other vehicles are restricted to 40 km/h. Outside the ghats, light vehicles can travel at speeds of up to 100 km/h, while heavier vehicles must adhere to a limit of 80 km/h.
In addition to monitoring speed, the system also addresses other key safety concerns. AI cameras will detect drivers violating basic safety protocols such as failing to wear seat belts or using mobile phones while driving, which are among the leading causes of accidents. Further, the system will also monitor lane discipline to ensure safer travel for all road users. As part of the ITMS, all cameras and toll booths on the expressway will soon be equipped with Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology. This enhancement will allow for the seamless issuance of e-challans, further streamlining the process of law enforcement and making it more efficient.
Rahul Jadhav, Deputy Regional Transport Officer, emphasized the importance of adhering to traffic rules to ensure road safety. “We urge all vehicle owners to follow traffic rules strictly and adhere to the prescribed speed limits,” he said. Jadhav added that responsible driving is key to reducing accidents and ensuring safer travel for all. With the average traffic volume on the Pune-Mumbai Expressway reaching up to 40,000 vehicles on weekdays and as high as 60,000 vehicles on weekends, the implementation of AI-based cameras will be crucial in managing traffic flow and reducing accidents. The move is expected to modernise traffic management and play a pivotal role in enhancing road safety on this vital route.