A month after the implementation of Pune Airport’s Aeromall PIN-based cab booking system, passengers have voiced significant dissatisfaction with the service. The system, introduced as a collaboration between Aeromall, the Airport Authority of India (AAI), and Uber, aimed to streamline the cab booking process by allowing travellers to generate a four-digit PIN to access the first available vehicle. However, reports indicate that the system has not fully delivered on its promises, leading to increased frustration among users.
Passengers have reported several issues with the new system. An elderly traveller recounted his experience of being “ghosted” by his assigned driver after booking a cab. Despite initially being informed that the cab would arrive within a minute, the estimated arrival time was later extended to 15 minutes. After facing repeated delays, the passenger was advised to upgrade to a more expensive premier cab at the Uber assistance counter, where the staff generated a new PIN for him.
In another instance, concerns were raised on social media regarding the availability of UberGo cabs. Passengers noted that while Uber Premier cabs were readily available, the cheaper UberGo options were scarce. One user expressed frustration on X (formerly Twitter), alleging that Uber counter employees were pressuring passengers to book premier cabs, despite the lower-cost options being less accessible. This prompted questions about the transparency and fairness of the booking process. The issues with the Aeromall system come amidst growing scrutiny of app-based cab services at major transport hubs. While the PIN-based approach was intended to simplify the process, the operational hiccups and perceived bias towards higher-priced services have highlighted the need for further improvements to meet passenger expectations and ensure a more equitable service.