Pune’s air quality plummeted to the ‘poor’ category on Saturday, registering an AQI of 205, its lowest since Diwali. Celebratory fireworks marking the recent election results, combined with bonfires and adverse weather conditions, significantly contributed to the pollution levels. The city woke up to a dense haze on Sunday, disrupting visibility and sparking health concerns. Experts attributed the phenomenon to temperature inversion, where cold air trapped beneath warmer air prevents pollutants from dispersing, exacerbating the city’s air pollution.
The Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) forecast indicated a temporary improvement in air quality to ‘moderate’ by early next week. However, weather experts highlighted that moisture incursion from a low-pressure system over the Bay of Bengal had intensified haze formation. Visibility on Sunday morning varied across the city, with Shivajinagar reporting a range of 4-10 km and Lohegaon dipping to a mere 1-2 km. Medical professionals warned of rising respiratory complaints, urging vulnerable groups, including the elderly and children, to avoid outdoor activities during early mornings.
This pollution spike underlines the civic challenge of controlling emissions during public celebrations. Despite growing awareness of air quality issues, such incidents reflect gaps in enforcement and community participation. Urban planners emphasise the need for stricter regulations on firecracker use and proactive public health advisories. Drawing comparisons to post-Diwali air quality patterns, experts suggest adopting sustainable celebration practices to curb pollution spikes in the future.
From a sustainability perspective, the incident highlights the pressing need for long-term solutions to urban air quality challenges. Increased adoption of green policies, including stricter vehicular emission controls and urban greening initiatives, could mitigate the effects of temperature inversion. Pune, as an emerging urban hub, must prioritise sustainable practices to ensure better air quality for its residents, safeguarding public health and ecological balance.