The Chennai Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority is set to deploy cutting-edge software to analyse the travel behaviour of Chennaites, enabling the creation of a revised transport roadmap for the next 25 years.
The Authority has engaged Systra, a consulting firm, to develop a transport model that seamlessly integrates various factors, including household activities, land-use patterns, traffic flow and regional demographics. The model’s capabilities extend to estimating travel behaviour responses to shifts in economic conditions, network status, residential and employment locations and transportation infrastructure developments.
The project leverages Vissum, a renowned transport planning software, to construct a comprehensive 4-stage transport demand model. Primary surveys and secondary resources across the entire Chennai metropolitan area, covering 5,904 km, will inform the model.
BRTS, dedicated bus lanes, was proposed nearly eight years ago but never materialised. Experts believe BRTS has the potential to increase public transport usage from the current 27 percent to 40 percent.