HomeUrban NewsBangaloreBannerghatta Biological Park to Unveil India’s Largest Leopard Safari

Bannerghatta Biological Park to Unveil India’s Largest Leopard Safari

After facing several years of delay, Bannerghatta Biological Park (BBP), nestled in the vicinity of Bengaluru, is on the cusp of unveiling a remarkable addition to its repertoire of wildlife attractions.

Set to be inaugurated by the end of June, the park will introduce India’s third, and most expansive, leopard safari spanning across an impressive 50 acres (20 hectares). According to forest minister, this ambitious project will supplement the existing array of safaris featuring lions, tigers, and herbivores at BBP. Chairing the annual board meeting of the Zoo Authority of Karnataka (ZAK), Official emphasized the importance of adopting innovative measures to enhance tourist engagement and ensure a sustainable revenue stream for zoos.

Sources within ZAK revealed that the proposal for establishing a dedicated leopard safari, with an investment of Rs 1 crore, was initially conceived in 2012 as part of BBP’s comprehensive development master plan. However, funding constraints and governmental transitions resulted in a significant delay spanning almost a decade. Notably, leopards rescued in and around Bengaluru will find sanctuary in the safari area, contributing to both wildlife conservation efforts and public awareness initiatives. Highlighting the safety measures implemented within the safari enclosure, an official from BBP emphasized the stringent security protocols, including high-rise mesh fencing, to prevent any potential escapes. Currently, BBP is home to approximately 70 leopards, with plans to showcase 12 of them to the public within the safari area.

Despite the introduction of new features, BBP management affirmed that there would be no revision in the park’s entry or safari fees at present. Sources close to the minister disclosed that all leopard cubs, rescued from human habitats, underwent hand-rearing at BBP, ensuring their seamless integration into the safari environment. With the impending inauguration of India’s largest leopard safari, BBP is poised to elevate its status as a premier wildlife destination, offering visitors a captivating and immersive wildlife experience while contributing to the broader objectives of wildlife conservation and environmental education.



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