The Special Investigation Team (SIT), tasked with probing the tragic Rajkot fire incident that claimed 27 lives on May 25, has intensified its investigation into fire safety measures across eight major cities in Gujarat. The SIT has reached out to municipal commissioners of Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Gandhinagar, Vadodara, Surat, Jamnagar, Junagadh, and Bhavnagar, demanding comprehensive details on fire safety checks post-issuance of fire No Objection Certificates (NOCs).
In a detailed letter dispatched on Monday, the SIT has inquired about the status of illegal temporary structures within these cities and sought explicit definitions and regulatory frameworks governing such structures. This inquiry follows a previous communication aimed at tightening fire safety protocols and ensuring stringent compliance.
The SIT’s letter requests a clear definition of temporary structures in relation to development control regulations and a thorough list of all sanctioned temporary structures exceeding a 180-day period. Additionally, the team seeks detailed procedures followed by the municipal corporations to inspect buildings that have added structures after receiving building use (BU) permission.
A senior official from the urban development department elaborated that the SIT’s letter also queries the timeframe allotted to estate departments for demolishing illegal structures following the issuance of notices by civic bodies. Moreover, it seeks clarity on post-BU permission inspection processes to ensure ongoing compliance with safety standards.
The letter further demands specifics on actions taken against unauthorised temporary structures and illegal constructions. This move has prompted a comprehensive review of BU permissions, fire NOCs, and temporary structures across the cities. An official from the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) disclosed that several properties have already been sealed in response to the Rajkot incident, and a detailed record of actions against illegal structures is being maintained.
“The SIT is seeking these details to identify regulatory lapses that lead to fire incidents,” the AMC official stated. “Municipal corporations often have varying interpretations of development regulations. This exercise aims to standardise and tighten safety regulations to prevent future tragedies.”
The SIT’s rigorous inquiry underscores the need for stringent fire safety measures and consistent regulatory enforcement across urban areas. By examining and standardising the definition and management of temporary structures, along with ensuring thorough post-permission inspections, the SIT aims to mitigate risks and enhance urban safety frameworks.
As Gujarat’s urban centres grapple with rapid development, the SIT’s investigation serves as a crucial step towards reinforcing fire safety protocols and ensuring the safety of its residents. This initiative is expected to lead to more robust and uniform safety regulations, ultimately safeguarding the populace from preventable fire hazards.