HomeInfrastructureNo Money for Land, Balaramapuram Road Widening Faces Delay

No Money for Land, Balaramapuram Road Widening Faces Delay

The Balaramapuram-Vazhimukku Road widening project, part of the larger Karamana-Kaliyikkavila Road development initiative, is currently stalled due to delays in the land acquisition process. The district administration has announced plans to expedite this process, which requires the Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board (KIIFB) to disburse Rs 102 crore to approximately 70 landowners in Balaramapuram. This delay has not only impeded the project’s progress but has also left landowners in a state of uncertainty, affecting their livelihoods and futures.

The local MLA, has voiced concerns regarding the slow pace of compensation disbursal, calling it a “deliberate” hold-up. “The government must release Rs 102 crore to compensate the landowners and allow the work to commence immediately,” he asserted during a recent monthly meeting with the district collector. The urgency of this situation resonates deeply with local residents, many of whom are awaiting the compensation necessary for their financial stability. Revenue officials have cited complications related to land documentation as a significant barrier to the disbursal process. Some landowners have outdated or unclear property documents, requiring a re-verification that further delays the project. “Even if we receive the funds, we must resolve these documentation issues first,” a revenue official explained, adding that they hope to issue tenders for the project within the current financial year.

As it stands, around Rs 40 crore has been disbursed, with an overall budget of Rs 97 crore earmarked for land acquisition. The acquisition for the 1.5km stretch at Balaramapuram has faced considerable setbacks, leading to a revision of the timeline; initial projections suggested that compensation would be completed by February, allowing construction to start in April. However, no substantial progress has been made to date.
The project has undergone alterations in response to local opposition; plans for an underpass at Balaramapuram Junction were scrapped due to resistance from traders. The current strategy aims to widen the road to four lanes with a total width of 30.2 metres, with minimal acquisition needed for the 300-metre Old Rajapatha stretch since most land in that area is already state-owned.

From a sustainability perspective, the widening project represents a double-edged sword. While it promises improved connectivity and infrastructure development, it also risks displacing local residents and disrupting the community’s fabric. As the government works to resolve these issues, it is crucial that the voices of affected landowners are heard and that sustainable practices are prioritised in the project’s execution.



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