HomeInfrastructureNew Drainage Project to Transform Sikar Road

New Drainage Project to Transform Sikar Road

Jaipur: Deputy Chief Minister Diya Kumari is set to inaugurate the much-anticipated Sikar Road drainage project today. Despite the formal foundation stone-laying ceremony, the Jaipur Development Authority (JDA) will defer substantial civic works until the conclusion of the monsoon season.

JDA sources confirmed the civic body’s decision to avoid initiating major construction activities during the monsoon, thereby preventing potential disruptions and inconvenience to local residents. “We cannot risk exacerbating the situation by digging up roads during the monsoon. The real work will commence post-monsoon,” stated a JDA official.

In the interim, the JDA will focus on completing necessary formalities and conducting minor works that will not impact the existing infrastructure. “The Deputy Chief Minister, who also serves as the MLA for the Vidyadhar Nagar constituency, is keen for JDA to begin the project before the monsoon session of the assembly. Consequently, the foundation stone will be laid today,” the official added.

The project, designed to significantly improve the drainage infrastructure along Sikar Road, will be executed in three distinct phases. Initially, the JDA will lay pipelines beneath Sikar Road, spanning from the Delhi Ajmer highway crossing to the Dravyavati River near Panipench. “This phase is critical as it establishes the main drainage artery,” explained a JDA engineer. Subsequent phases will extend this main drainage line to connect with residential colonies in Muralipura and Vidyadhar Nagar. “We plan to commence the second phase approximately three months after initiating work on the first phase,” the engineer elaborated.

The project promises substantial benefits for residents in the catchment area, covering approximately 1,096 hectares on both sides of Sikar Road. The current drainage infrastructure, installed during the construction of the Jaipur Bus Rapid Transport System in 2002-03, has proven inadequate. “The new drainage system is designed to address these deficiencies and provide a robust solution for the next 50-60 years,” noted an official. The JDA’s strategic phased approach aims to mitigate immediate disruptions while ensuring long-term sustainability of the drainage system. The initiative underscores the administration’s commitment to improving urban infrastructure and enhancing the quality of life for Jaipur’s residents.



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