Mumbai begins December 4, 2024, with warm weather, as the temperature stands at 28.25 °C. The forecast for today indicates a minimum temperature of 27.73 °C and a maximum of 29.5 °C. Relative humidity is currently at 69%, and the wind speed is noted at 69 km/h. Sunrise today was at 6:57 AM, with sunset expected at 6:00 PM. The skies are expected to remain partly cloudy throughout the day.
Tomorrow, December 5, 2024, Mumbai’s weather forecast predicts temperatures ranging from a minimum of 27.56 °C to a maximum of 29.1 °C, with slightly lower humidity levels at 68%. The AQI in Mumbai today stands at 106, classifying the air quality as “moderate.” While this level is generally acceptable for most individuals, it may pose minor health concerns for sensitive groups, such as children and individuals with respiratory issues, including asthma. Prolonged outdoor activities should be limited for these groups to avoid potential health impacts.
With moderate air quality and warm weather, it’s advisable to carry sunscreen and sunglasses while venturing outdoors. For sensitive individuals, it’s essential to monitor air quality updates and take necessary precautions. Stay informed and make health-conscious decisions to enjoy your day in Mumbai.