Indian Railways continues to make impressive strides towards achieving a greener future with nearly 97% of its Broad Gauge network now electrified, as revealed by Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw on November 27. This milestone reflects the ongoing efforts of the national transporter to modernise its infrastructure and reduce carbon emissions. Since 2014-15, approximately 45,200 route kilometers have been electrified, a remarkable feat that underlines the government’s push towards sustainable transportation.
The pace of electrification has seen a dramatic increase in recent years, with the daily electrification rate rising from a mere 1.42 kilometers per day between 2004-2014 to an impressive 19.7 kilometers per day in the 2023-24 period. This acceleration not only showcases the Railways’ commitment to modernisation but also highlights the emphasis on cleaner and more cost-efficient energy sources. One of the key benefits of electrification is its economic impact. Electric traction is around 70% more cost-effective compared to diesel traction, a factor that contributes to the long-term sustainability of Indian Railways. Moreover, the environmental advantages are significant. By reducing reliance on fossil fuels, electrification aligns with India’s broader goals of reducing carbon emissions and enhancing air quality.
For uninterrupted operations, the system is designed with robust safeguards, including connections to the national grid through state and central transmission utilities, along with backup power sources at grid and traction substations. These measures ensure the seamless operation of electric trains even in the event of power disruptions. The goal of achieving net-zero emissions remains at the core of Indian Railways’ vision. As part of this initiative, the Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) is accelerating electrification across all un-electrified Broad Gauge routes within its jurisdiction, leading the charge toward the complete electrification of the network and a greener future. In the global context, Indian Railways aims to set an example for sustainable railway operations, striving to become a leader in “Green Railways.” As the electrification project progresses, it underscores the country’s commitment to environmental sustainability and the long-term economic benefits of clean energy use.