Train services on Mumbai’s Harbour Line were severely disrupted on Wednesday afternoon due to a technical glitch in the track circuit between Panvel and Khansadwar stations. The issue, which emerged around 2:20 pm, affected the signalling system, leading to delays of up to 20 minutes for passengers on the Panvel-CSMT route.
Central Railway officials confirmed that engineers were promptly deployed to address the technical problem. Normal services were restored by approximately 3:57 pm, but passengers continued to experience delays throughout the evening. The disruption caused considerable inconvenience, especially for commuters relying on the Harbour Line for their daily travel. The unexpected halt led to overcrowding at several stations as frustrated passengers were left stranded, struggling to find alternate transport options. Many commuters voiced their concerns about the recurring nature of such technical glitches, with several urging the authorities to upgrade infrastructure and implement better maintenance practices to prevent future disruptions.
Despite the restoration of services by late afternoon, delays continued to affect the evening commute, with passengers expressing dissatisfaction over the inconvenience caused. The disruption highlights the ongoing challenges faced by Mumbai’s suburban railway network, which serves millions of commuters daily.